ATOMs & BITs: Andrea latino’s podcast

How to reinvent cars

S02E10 – 46 min

In the 20th episode of Atoms & Bits, Andrea Latino hosts Dario Palma, Head of Product Management & Innovative Services, Mercedes-Benz Italy, one of the world’s leading and historic companies in the Automotive Industry

Art Cover of the Atoms and Bits Podcast by Andrea Latino Art Cover of the Atoms and Bits Podcast by Andrea Latino
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“Now we can question certain processes and strategies through solutions we would never have thought of if not compelled by the events around us.”

What we discuss with Dario Palma

The Automotive Dealer Report 2020 stated that the COVID crisis and subsequent market collapse threaten to close at least one in five of today’s auto dealers, with market declines of 40 percent. It has, therefore, become necessary to question this industry’s models and strategies.

Dario tells us about what the future cars will look like and how we will move. We discuss the changes in vehicle production as we transition from endothermic to electric engines. As an enthusiast, I asked Dario Palma about the innovative features of the Mercedes Avatar Vision (AVTR) Car. Finally, we’ll learn about his key values for identifying the initial managerial strategies to support innovation.

As always, our guest gives three actionable insights to our listeners on preparing for future technological opportunities.

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