ATOMs & BITs: Andrea latino’s podcast

How to reshape the insurtech sector through Digital Transformation

S06E03 – 34 min

In the 50th episode of Atoms & Bits, Andrea Latino hosts Gerardo Di Francesco, Vice President and Founder of the Italian Insurtech Association.

Art Cover of the Atoms and Bits Podcast by Andrea Latino Art Cover of the Atoms and Bits Podcast by Andrea Latino
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“Insurance is the tool our species has given itself to transfer real risks to the financial level. Today, with digital transformation, this tool has some problems concerning the whole Italian machine.”

What we discuss with Gerardo Di Francesco

Italian Insurtech Association is the organization that brings together about 200 players in the Italian insurance market supply chain to accelerate innovation and Digital Transformation. Insurtech is a rapidly growing sector in our country. Over 280 million investments were recorded in 2021, about 460% more than in the previous year.

And this is precisely the big theme of the episode. It is not merely a transfer from analog to digital but a redesign of a new model in the insurtech sector. Gerardo Di Francesco and I also discuss digital education, sustainability in the environmental field, and gender equality.

As always, our guest gives three actionable insights to our listeners on preparing for future technological opportunities.

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