ATOMs & BITs: Andrea latino’s podcast

How to adapt to the New Normal

S01E05 – 33 min

In the 5th episode of Atoms & Bits, Andrea Latino hosts Matteo Sarzana, General Manager of Deliveroo Italia, a food delivery company with offices worldwide. It operates in over 500 cities across 12 countries.

Art Cover of the Atoms and Bits Podcast by Andrea Latino Art Cover of the Atoms and Bits Podcast by Andrea Latino
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“In building a business that no one has ever built before […], there will always be new problems. And it will be challenging to look outside to find a solution that someone else has already found. The kind of relationship you create and how you approach challenges makes the difference and allows the team to succeed.”

What we discuss with Matteo Sarzana

Aggregative platforms are based on those models that take a specific market, organize its offer, and create a single access point for the consumer. Other aspects are also involved, such as logistics or value generation. It all works if there is a high market density that justifies aggregation. Here, Matteo Sarzana and I discuss the logistics management involved within delivery platforms and technology’s role as a driver of change.

As always, our guest gives three actionable insights to our listeners on preparing for future technological opportunities.

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