ATOMs & BITs: Andrea latino’s podcast

How to empower talent to bring positive change

S04E05 – 37 min

In the 37th episode of Atoms & Bits, Andrea Latino hosts Michela Giampietro, HR Manager of VINCI Energies Italia, a company that develops methods for valuing resources within the organization to respect the principle of human touch that characterizes them.

Art Cover of the Atoms and Bits Podcast by Andrea Latino Art Cover of the Atoms and Bits Podcast by Andrea Latino
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“One must be aware that working remotely creates new demands. But these demands are not just the appropriation of digital tools! It certainly means knowing how to use thembut at the right time and in the right way. So, it also means there are times when you have to return to physical contact.”

What we discuss with Michela Giampietro

This unusual period has revolutionized employee training. HR managers have been struggling to create awareness of what smart working means. They have also provided a “toolbox” for employees to deal with the transition to digital.

In the interview, Michela Giampietro and I discuss the Axians brand, focused on the ICT field, and how the Covid pandemic has reshaped the market by strengthening some industries and dampening the strength of others.

As always, our guest gives three actionable insights to our listeners on preparing for future technological opportunities.

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