Innovation Alphabet

Open Data

In a nutshell

There is nothing to hide. To ensure transparency and quality of information, the citizens of a country must have free access to relevant information on the functioning of the Public Administration, released in the form of open data. That is, data that can be freely used, modified, and shared by anyone and for any purpose, to foster public control over administrative performance.

A messy folder and a pair of glasses as the Open Data quickcard header image A messy folder and a pair of glasses as the Open Data quickcard header image
Application Fields

Public Administration: The area on which the interest in the Open Data initiative relies is that of public administration, as it relates to taxes paid by taxpayers: data related to the budget reporting of one’s municipality or those concerning traffic, pollution and education represent a resource that every citizen has the right to access. The dissemination of information is capable of opening up new scenarios and could result in more efficient service delivery.

Transportation: Open data is an important tool serving the community to optimize transportation and mobility in city environments. Meaningful data concerns the demand for public transportation, the supply of services, and the production characteristics of those services. They can cover the scheduled timetable and its temporary changes, human and material endowments, attendance surveys, and economic-management databases of companies.

Meteorology: Weather data can be accessed through open and free platforms to inform citizens about a range of quantities of common interest. This includes water level, precipitation, temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, and so forth.

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• Open data in the transportation industry
The Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport has activated OpenCantieri. It is a platform that brings together data on the progress of public works (roads, railways, subways, etc.). Thus, it is possible to learn about “priority” interventions currently underway, interventions on roads and highways, and open construction sites in port and airport areas. The government wanted to lay the groundwork for an inclusive policy that encourages civic control and direct collaboration in the administrative life of the Ministry itself.

Opencantieri: transparent and up-to-date data about public works

• Open data in the cultural industry
Ireland’s national open data portal provides access to over 10,000 government datasets. Since 2019, health-related open datasets have been of particular interest, including, most notably, information related to coronavirus outbreaks. The pandemic has led to a marked increase in the number of views and downloads of data provided by hospitals, pharmacies, and nursing homes.

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