ATOMs & BITs: Andrea latino’s podcast

How to digitalize the car-buying experience

S04E02 – 41 min

In the 34th episode of Atoms & Bits, Andrea Latino hosts Alessio Scutari. He was Marketing Operation Manager for Citroën when the interview took place.

Art Cover of the Atoms and Bits Podcast by Andrea Latino Art Cover of the Atoms and Bits Podcast by Andrea Latino
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“Everyone must play their part in this process. We must do so as manufacturers and product developers, institutions with investments in facilities and customer support. And customers must try to approach a mobility world that is changing differently.”

What we discuss with Alessio Scutari

Following the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been an acceleration in the digitalization process, including in the Automotive Industry, which has revolutionized the relationship between customers and companies.

In this episode of Atoms & Bits, former Marketing Operation Manager for Citroën Alessio Scutari tells us about the innovative purchase and rental model applied by the company to the AMI microcar. The interview then discusses online selling strategies, the car business’s innovative buying and renting model, and related solutions that the entire Stellantis group has decided to apply.

As always, our guest gives three actionable insights to our audience on preparing for future technological opportunities.

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